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Sunday, September 4, 2011

DFC Custom Notes: Some basic html

As you go through your DFC site you'll see some basic html. It will be helpful if you can start to recognize what some of these mean and here's a bits of code you'll see very often. Go into any post or page and click in the "html" tag to see the code that shapes some of your site.


...That open and closes a paragraph.
You'll see this for basic text that appears in a site:  <p> hello there! I am your site!</p>

...Any tag that has "h" and a number is a bit of text that will appear with a variation in size.  The "h" stands for heading and the number stands for a size. The lower the number the bigger the size!


...These tags surround Vimeo content.

<p style="text-align: center;"> stuff stuff stuff</p>

...You can "style" text in a variety of ways. Most of the time I'm styling text by aligning it, though there are many things you can do to text with this tag.

<a href= "></a>

...<a> stands for "anchor" > Anytime you see "<a href=" used you are looking at code that's pointing to a link. Below is an example of a link that has a lot of extras thrown in. The link below specifies a title for the link (that will appear on mouse over), tells that an image is what's being used in the link, tells where the image comes from in the host directory, and tells how large the image is. Wheh... lots of info in there....

<a title="ZEN ESTILO" href=""><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-19" title="ZEN ESTILO" src="" alt="" width="180" height="136" /></a>

There's a really great source for learning about html and css called
This is a free site and even if you don't go through it in great details it can be used as a quick reference for you to understand what a bit of code is doing in your site. Just cut and paste a sample of code from your site into the W3schools search box!

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